A big milestone

Countdown to my 50 year diaversary

Living with type 1 diabetes for over 50 years has come with plenty of highs and lows! In anticipation of reaching my 50 year diaversary, I wrote a series of blogs every 4 weeks, looking at a very specific aspect of the condition, from both my perspective and that of family and friends.

Countdown to 50 years Skinnycarrot Countdown to 50 years Skinnycarrot

48 weeks and counting: The Importance of Recognising 50 Years

As I approach 50 years of living with type 1 diabetes, I look forward to the recognition that Diabetes UK place on reaching this milestone by the awarding of the Alan Nabarro medal. I am marking the countdown to this milestone by writing a blog every four weeks, looking at a different aspect of living with this condition and the advances that have been made in care. For anyone interested, I hope that you will enjoy sharing this journey to 50 years with me.

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