Thoughts and reflections
Reflecting on Life with Type 1 Diabetes
An initial diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be overwhelming. Understanding and making your own treatment decisions is not easy. From the diary kept by my mother at diagnosis to some of the interactions I have had with others, I hope to offer an insight into the emotional side of the condition.
Yes.... language matters
“The language used by healthcare professionals can have a profound impact on how people living with diabetes…. feel about living with it day-to-day.” (NHS England - Language Matters: Language and Diabetes). My own experiences, both good and bad, wholly support this view.
Easter - then and now...
Diagnosed in March 1972, I was still in hospital for my first Easter with type one. It was made very clear to me that chocolate was not on the menu...
My diagnosis
I was eventually diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on 5th March 1972 having lost over half a stone in weight from the measurements listed on my school reports between July 1971 and December 1971. This is a diary of events written by my mother at the time of my diagnosis.