All change….

Type 1 Diabetes and the Menopause

Healthcare professionals recognise that the menopause can be much more complicated for women with diabetes to navigate. So why are conversations about this subject not initiated with women approaching this stage of life? Information on how to manage type 1 diabetes through the menopause is limited. In writing about the problems I have experienced, I hope this will increase the information available and improve discussions about the challenges faced.

Menopause Sarah Gatward Menopause Sarah Gatward

Type 1 & the Big "M" - My Changing Basal Insulin Requirements

One of the fascinating things to see on my peri-menopausal journey is how my overall background insulin requirements have been changing. There is a general downwards direction to basal rate doses but not in an ordered way. There are a lot of bumpy up and down movements around this general downwards trend that make identifying a basal rate that provides a good fit, a huge challenge….

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